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All the latest from The ValPal Network

5 things to do to win more business!

5 things to do to win more business!

by Craig Vile, Director of The ValPal Network

So, you are only generating a few leads per month - whose fault is that?

Is it your website developer’s fault?

Or is it Brexit and the current economic climate’s fault?

Or perhaps, it’s the fault of your online property valuation tool?

The chances are that it’s none of the above. They may be partly responsible, but I can guarantee that one of your competitors is currently winning business in your area, gaining market share and laughing at everyone who is complaining!

So, what can YOU do to change this? Firstly, let’s crush the myth that the market is dead, it’s not. It may be tougher at the moment, but that means you need to be smarter.


Here are five things that you can do that will make a big difference in 2019:

   1.    Use your online instant valuation tool to the max
Don’t stick it on your website and hope prospects will somehow magically find it.

If you’re reading this blog then I’m going to assume you do not have the luxury of having 10,000+ visitors to your website every month. If you did, the leads would be flowing in.

You need to think of a message that will stimulate the curiosity of your next landlord or seller, so they visit your website looking for the valuation tool.

You’ll be surprised at the impact a small change to your marketing messaging can have on the volume of leads generated each month.

    2.    Regularly “mine” your own database

Over the years you will have spoken to 100s if not 1,000s of vendors, landlords, buyers, and tenants. How many of these people are currently thinking of selling their property or becoming a landlord, or maybe they are a landlord and are thinking of selling their portfolio?

The truth is you will probably have no idea how many people you have previously spoken to our current prospects unless YOU ASK THEM.

Send them a specific email and ask: “Thinking of selling your property this month?”, and “Find out how much your property is worth in just 60 seconds”.

The ‘click here’ button should then send them directly to your online valuation tool. 

Click here to request tips​ 3 to 5 to help you market smarter.

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