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UK Property Valuation Data

View and Compare the latest valuation stats from across the UK
Last Updated: Today 20:30:00
Next Update:
  • Sales Data
  • Lettings Data
Percentage of ValPal leads that completed in Land Registry data in last 24 months: 18.5%

220 Days

The average number of days it takes for a property to sell after an initial online valuation has been requested

23 days
62 days
135 days
Total Valuations with Estimated Sales Value

1st July 2024 - present

Sales Valuations
Total Estimated Sales Value
Average Sales Value

Top 5 Postcodes: Fastest Sales

Compared against the national average these are the top performing postcodes for the fastest sale.


Total Monthly Sales Valuations

Top 5 Postcodes with the Highest Average Sales Value

Top 5 Postcodes with the Highest Individual Sales Valuation

Average Sales Value per Region

Highest Individual Sales Valuation per Region

Total Valuations with Estimated Lettings Value

1st July 2024 - present

Lettings Valuations
Total Estimated Lettings Value
£76,286,069 p/m
Average Lettings Value
£1,508 p/m

Total Monthly Lettings Valuations

Top 5 Postcodes with the Highest Average Lettings Value

Top 5 Postcodes with the Highest Individual Lettings Valuation

Top 5 Postcodes with the Highest Average Yield

Top 5 Postcodes with the Highest Yielding Individual Valuation

Average Lettings Value per Region

Highest Individual Lettings Valuation per Region

Average Yield per Region

Highest Individual Yield per Region