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All the latest from The ValPal Network

3 Super Reasons to Join The ValPal Network

3 Super Reasons to Join The ValPal Network

Reasons why you should join The ValPal Network:


1)    MyPal - ValPal is the only instant online valuation tool that integrates estate agents’ feedback on house prices into the algorithm used to generate our valuations.

2) ExtraPal - Automatically sends you leads that have been generated in your area by another non-competing agent, meaning more leads that you wouldn't have otherwise had from our Network of 4,000+ members.

3) AppontPal - Allows more serious vendors and landlords to book in an MA with the agent once they’ve received their online valuation. Around 12% of all ValPal leads convert into an MA via AppointPal.

Call us or email team@valpal.co.uk to sign up today!


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