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How many of the leads generated by ValPal result in MA's and instructions?

How many of the leads generated by ValPal result in MA's and instructions?

Maintaining consistently high levels of stock is one of the biggest problems facing estate and letting agents on a monthly and yearly basis.

Agents always need more vendors and landlords and so booking a high number of market appraisals is a crucial element of running a successful firm.

Appraisals give your negotiators the opportunity to sell the values and ethos of your firm and explain why a vendor or landlord should market their property with you.

Converting these appointments into instructions is vital and so it stands to reason that it will be beneficial to organise more market appraisals with prospective clients.

As you know, ValPal is there to convert your website traffic. Its purpose is to capture the details of prospects so that your team can book a market appraisal and then do what they do best.

So just how many market appraisals and instructions can ValPal help you to generate?

Well, our research shows that for roughly every 1,000 visits to an agent's website, the online valuation tool will generate 40 leads.

On average, these leads will be converted into four market appraisals. Of these four appointments, approximately 2.5 will convert to instructions.

So, in theory, ValPal could help you to take on an additional 2.5 instructions for every 1,000 visitors to your website. That's not bad going and could prove lucrative for your firm.

What's more, ValPal can also give you the edge when it comes to securing instructions over competing agents.

Just see what one of our clients had to say...

"Received a lead. Converted to a Physical (instruction). Sold it. Less than 24 hours, and before the owner had even received call backs from other agents she approached. ValPal works." - Steven Herd, Founder & CEO of MyLondonHome.

Used effectively, ValPal can have a significant impact on the number of market appraisals booked by your team each month. More appointments mean more opportunity for instructions and higher stock levels - which is one of your problems solved!

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