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All the latest from The ValPal Network

Training and marketing advice

Training and marketing advice

Being a member of The ValPal Network means you are entitled to FREE training sessions and marketing advice, both of which will help to ensure that your team understands the benefits of ValPal.  

We’ll give you tips and share how our best performing agents are converting leads into market appraisals. Our team will also provide you with call scripts after the training conference call(s) for you to distribute amongst your team.

You will find your leads can be placed into three categories:

Easy to convert into a market appraisal – it’s great when you get an enquiry that takes minimum effort to book an appointment.

Fake contact details - mikeymouse@disney.com – a small percentage of people who do not wish to be contacted will provide incorrect contact information. There is nothing you can do with these execept move on.

Clients that tell you they are not interested – It is really important to recognise the journey that the consumer has been on to generate the lead. Remember, no-one forced them to visit your website, no-one visits an estate agent’s website unless they have an interest and are checking YOU out. They have made a conscious decision to pick up their phone, tablet or laptop and come to your website.

They further qualify themselves by using the valuation tool. But when you call them, they say they are not interested! Why? Because it is the natural reaction to a sales call.

We will help you to overcome this objection, breakdown the barriers and book more market appraisals.

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