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All the latest from The ValPal Network

What's new for subscribers to The ValPal Network?

What's new for subscribers to The ValPal Network?

We are now halfway through 2017 and The ValPal Network continues to grow, helping agent subscribers to improve your marketing and generate higher numbers of vendor and landlord leads.

Our Network is so much more than just a valuation tool – it’s a way of thinking that, if executed correctly, can revolutionise an agent’s marketing strategy.

Here’s a quick round-up of our latest features which your agency could and should be benefitting from…

Supercharge your ValPal with our Booster Pack – Priced at £300 + VAT

The ValPal Booster Pack helps you to hit the ground running, supercharging your Valpal.

Our Booster Pack provides you with all the artwork you need, alongside the messaging that we know engages with prospective vendors and landlords. This solution saves you time, money and brain space, while introducing your agency to a wider pool of potential clients through targeted marketing.

But what does our Booster Pack include?

  • An all-in-one marketing pack where we build you HTML emails to send to your database.
  • Rightmove featured agent banners
  • Banners for your newsletter and email signature
  • PDF print-ready leaflets
  • Bespoke content to be used for social media

All this, and everything else that comes with the ValPal Booster Pack, will help to enhance and improve your existing marketing strategy and supercharge your business. 

Make use of webinars

In this day and age, webinars – which is short-hand for web-based seminar – are an excellent way of expert knowledge being imparted from one individual to another or one business to another. As a ValPal member, you will receive the benefits of free webinar training, including lead conversion training and “making the most of your ValPal” training.

In the case of the former, your team will be trained up to ensure they are fully on board with ValPal and know the best process to follow up on ValPal leads. In the case of the latter, we share with you what our members have told us has worked best to promote ValPal.

We want you to get as many leads as possible – and convert these leads into something much more – and we also want you to get as much out of ValPal as you can. Our webinar training helps with both these goals.

Get extra leads with our Out of Area lead system

As a member of The ValPal Network you will know that from time to time you generate leads from postcodes outside of your operating area that you just cannot service. This has been a frustrating occurrence for agents, until now.

To combat this issue, we have come up with our out of area leads programme – a lead sharing network which ends up generating more leads for all members. Our unique service automatically identifies a lead that has been generated outside an agent’s defined postcode territory and reallocates it to another ValPal agent working in the correct location, meaning more leads that you otherwise wouldn’t have received.

Of course, the programme works the other way, too. Ultimately, this means more leads for all members of The Valpal Network.

If you sign up to this initiative, you are opting in to receive leads from almost 3,500 other branches across the country. A no-brainer, surely?

A new vendor and landlord MA booking system

One of our latest features is a new calendar system, integrated into your landing page, which allows consumers to book market appraisals with you there and then. The more market appraisals you can secure, the more instructions you will gain and the more your business will grow. Win-win all round.  

Sales training with the Sales Doctor

As a ValPal member, you get expert training from Sales Doctor – a tailored sales training business first formed in 2006 – free of charge. Sales Doctor will carry out a mystery call on your behalf and provide detailed feedback and recommendations. Afterwards, they are happy to provide a free face to face consultation to discuss your biggest challenges and how they can help. Normally this service is charged at £249 – if you’re part of the ValPal Network, though, it costs nothing. 

Let us help you

Being a member of The ValPal Network comes with many benefits, from free webinar training sessions to free marketing advice. As the pioneers of the automated valuation tool, we have the experience and expertise to help you improve your marketing and grow your business. 

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